Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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Text File
610 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "Address"
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
' the following pertain to being supported by
' VBOFCollection, VBOFObjectManager and
' VBOFEventManager
Public ObjectID As Long
Public ObjectChanged As Long
Public ObjectAdded As Long
Public ObjectDeleted As Long
Public ObjectParentCount As Long
Public ObjectManager As VBOFObjectManager
' the following code pertains to the business
' of the Address object
Private pvtLine1 As String
Private pvtLine2 As String
Private pvtLine3 As String
Private pvtCity As String
Private pvtStateCode As String
Private pvtState As State
Private pvtStateObjectID As Long
Private pvtZipCode As Long
Private pvtZipSupplement As Integer
Private pvtZipExtension As Integer
Private pvtForeignZipCode As String
Private pvtStatus As String
Private pvtUsage As String
Public StateCodes As VBOFCollection
Public Function ObjectDBGridUnboundAddData(Optional DBGrid As Variant, Optional RowBuf As Variant, Optional NewRowBookmark As Variant) As Boolean
' Populate the object variables with the values
' provided by the user in the new row of the
' DBGrid
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
' Parameter Description:
' DBGrid:= the DBGrid which is being
' populated
' RowBuf:= the current DBGrid RowBuf object
' NewRowBookmark:= the row number being processed
Dim I As Long
For I = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
If Not IsNull(RowBuf.Value(0, I)) Then
Select Case RowBuf.ColumnName(I)
Case "Line1"
Line1 = RowBuf.Value(0, I) & ""
Case "Line2"
Line2 = RowBuf.Value(0, I) & ""
Case "Line3"
Line3 = RowBuf.Value(0, I) & ""
Case "City"
City = RowBuf.Value(0, I) & ""
Case "StateCode"
StateCode = RowBuf.Value(0, I) & ""
Case "ZipCode"
ZipCode = CLng("0" & RowBuf.Value(0, I))
Case "ZipSupplement"
ZipSupplement = CLng("0" & RowBuf.Value(0, I))
Case "ZipExtension"
ZipExtension = CLng("0" & RowBuf.Value(0, I))
Case "Status"
Status = RowBuf.Value(0, I) & ""
Case "Usage"
Usage = RowBuf.Value(0, I) & ""
' Note: Do not initialize the ObjectID.
End Select
End If
Next I
' return "OK" status
ObjectDBGridUnboundAddData = True
End Function
Public Function ObjectDBGridUnboundReadData(Optional DBGrid As Variant, Optional RowBuf As Variant, Optional RowNumber As Variant) As Boolean
' Populate the DBGrid RowBuf with values from
' variables within this object
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
' Parameter Description:
' DBGrid:= the DBGrid which is being
' populated
' RowBuf:= the current DBGrid RowBuf object
' RowNumber:= the row number being processed
Dim I As Long
For I = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
Select Case RowBuf.ColumnName(I)
Case "Line1"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = Line1
Case "Line2"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = Line2
Case "Line3"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = Line3
Case "City"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = City
Case "StateCode"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = StateCode
Case "ZipCode"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = ZipCode
Case "ZipSupplement"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = ZipSupplement
Case "ZipExtension"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = ZipExtension
Case "Status"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = Status
Case "Usage"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = Usage
Case "FormattedZip"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = FormattedZip
Case "ForeignZipCode"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = ForeignZipCode
Case "ObjectID"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = ObjectID
End Select
Next I
End Function
Public Function ObjectDataSource() As String
' Return the Data Source with which this Class is associated
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
ObjectDataSource = "Addresses"
End Function
Public Function FormattedAddress() As String
' Return a displayable, fully formatted
' version of Me
Dim ReturnString As String
If Line1 > "" Then
ReturnString = _
pvtContatenateWithCRLF( _
String1:=ReturnString, _
End If
If Line2 > "" Then
ReturnString = _
pvtContatenateWithCRLF( _
String1:=ReturnString, _
End If
If Line3 > "" Then
ReturnString = _
pvtContatenateWithCRLF( _
String1:=ReturnString, _
End If
If City > "" Then
ReturnString = _
pvtContatenateWithCRLF( _
String1:=ReturnString, _
String2:=City) _
& ", "
End If
' the conventional (i.e. GUI-centric) VB programming
' techniques must use StateCode. The Most
' Totally Coolest way (the OO way) is to imbed the
' entire State object within the Address. Yields
' not only the StateCode, but anything else known
' about that State
If Not pvtState Is Nothing Then
ReturnString = ReturnString & pvtState.StateCode
ElseIf StateCode > "" Then
ReturnString = ReturnString & pvtStateCode
End If
If ZipCode >= 0 Then
ReturnString = ReturnString & " " & FormattedZip
End If
'' show-off a little by revealing interesting information
'' available only through having a rich object
'' model
' If Not pvtState Is Nothing Then
' ReturnString = _
' pvtContatenateWithCRLF( _
' String1:=ReturnString, _
' String2:="(State's Capital is " & _
' pvtState.CapitalCity & _
' ")")
' End If
FormattedAddress = ReturnString
End Function
Public Function ObjectSortCompare(Optional SortField As Variant, Optional SortOrder As Variant, Optional CompareObject As Variant) As Long
' Support the Collection.Sort method
' Note: use the ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare
' method for assistance
Select Case SortField
Case "FormattedAddress"
ObjectSortCompare = _
ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare( _
Value1:=FormattedAddress, _
Value2:=CompareObject.FormattedAddress, _
Case "City"
ObjectSortCompare = _
ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare( _
Value1:=City, _
Value2:=CompareObject.City, _
Case "StateCode"
ObjectSortCompare = _
ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare( _
Value1:=State.StateCode, _
Value2:=CompareObject.State.StateCode, _
Case "StateCapitalCity"
ObjectSortCompare = _
ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare( _
Value1:=State.CapitalCity, _
Value2:=CompareObject.State.CapitalCity, _
Case "ZipCode"
ObjectSortCompare = _
ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare( _
Value1:=FormattedZip, _
Value2:=CompareObject.FormattedZip, _
End Select
End Function
Private Function pvtContatenateWithCRLF(Optional String1 As Variant, Optional String2 As Variant) As String
Dim ReturnString As String
ReturnString = ""
If Not IsMissing(String1) Then
ReturnString = String1
If String1 > "" Then
ReturnString = ReturnString & vbCrLf
End If
End If
If Not IsMissing(String2) Then
If String2 > "" Then
ReturnString = ReturnString & String2
End If
End If
pvtContatenateWithCRLF = ReturnString
End Function
Public Function FormattedZip() As String
Dim ReturnString As String
ReturnString = ""
If ZipCode >= 0 Then
ReturnString = ReturnString & Format$(ZipCode, "00000")
End If
If ZipSupplement > 0 Then
If ReturnString = "" Then
ReturnString = Format$(ZipSupplement, "0000")
ReturnString = ReturnString & "-" & Format$(ZipSupplement, "0000")
End If
End If
If ZipExtension > 0 Then
If ReturnString = "" Then
ReturnString = Format$(ZipExtension, "00")
ReturnString = ReturnString & "-" & Format$(ZipExtension, "00")
End If
End If
FormattedZip = ReturnString
End Function
Public Function SetStateFromStateCode(StateCode As String) As Variant
' Convert the StateCode value to a State object
Dim NewState As New State
Set NewState = _
ObjectManager. _
NewObject( _
Sample:=NewState, _
WhereClause:="StateCode = '" & StateCode & "'")
If Not NewState Is Nothing Then
Set State = NewState
Set SetStateFromStateCode = NewState
Set SetStateFromStateCode = Nothing
End If
Set NewState = Nothing
End Function
Public Property Get State() As State
Set State = pvtState
End Property
Public Property Set State(aState As State)
Set pvtState = aState
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set ObjectManager = Nothing
ZipCode = -1
ZipSupplement = -1
ZipExtension = -1
ForeignZipCode = ""
Status = "Current"
Usage = "Primary"
End Sub
Public Function ObjectInitializeFromRecordSet(Optional RecordSet As Variant) As Address
' Populate my variables from the RecordSet
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
Dim NewState As New State
On Local Error Resume Next
Line1 = RecordSet("Line1")
Line2 = RecordSet("Line2")
Line3 = RecordSet("Line3")
City = RecordSet("City") & ""
ZipCode = RecordSet("ZipCode") + 0
ZipSupplement = RecordSet("ZipSupplement") + 0
ZipExtension = RecordSet("ZipExtension") + 0
ForeignZipCode = RecordSet("ForeignZipCode") & ""
Status = RecordSet("Status") & ""
Usage = RecordSet("Usage") & ""
ObjectID = RecordSet("ObjectID")
' pick-up the State object
If Not IsNull(RecordSet("StateObjectID")) Then
Set pvtState = _
ObjectManager. _
NewObject( _
Sample:=NewState, _
End If
Set ObjectInitializeFromRecordSet = Me
End Function
Public Function ObjectListBoxValue() As String
' Return a String will represent this object
' in a ListBox
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
ObjectListBoxValue = _
Line1 & " " & _
City & ", " & _
StateCode & " " & _
End Function
Public Function ObjectNewInstanceOfMyClass() As Address
' Return a new instance of this class
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
Set ObjectNewInstanceOfMyClass = New Address
End Function
Public Function ObjectInitializeRecordSet(Optional RecordSet As Variant) As Long
' Populate the RecordSet with my variables.
' Note: Do not initialize the ObjectID column.
' Return any error code encountered.
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
On Local Error GoTo InitializeRecordSet_SetError
Err = 0
RecordSet("Line1") = Line1
RecordSet("Line2") = Line2
RecordSet("Line3") = Line3
RecordSet("City") = City
RecordSet("ZipCode") = ZipCode
RecordSet("ZipSupplement") = ZipSupplement
RecordSet("ZipExtension") = ZipExtension
RecordSet("ForeignZipCode") = ForeignZipCode
RecordSet("Status") = Status
RecordSet("Usage") = Usage
' set the State object
If Not pvtState Is Nothing Then
RecordSet("StateObjectID") = _
RecordSet("StateObjectID") = Null
End If
' Note: Do not initialize the ObjectID column.
GoTo InitializeRecordSet_SetError
ObjectInitializeRecordSet = Err
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If Not ObjectManager Is Nothing Then
ObjectManager.TerminateObject _
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get Line1() As String
Line1 = pvtLine1
End Property
Public Property Let Line1(aString As String)
pvtLine1 = aString
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get Line2() As String
Line2 = pvtLine2
End Property
Public Property Let Line2(aString As String)
pvtLine2 = aString
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get Line3() As String
Line3 = pvtLine3
End Property
Public Property Let Line3(aString As String)
pvtLine3 = aString
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get City() As String
City = pvtCity
End Property
Public Property Let City(aString As String)
pvtCity = aString
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get StateCode() As String
If Not pvtState Is Nothing Then
StateCode = pvtState.StateCode
StateCode = pvtStateCode
End If
End Property
Public Property Let StateCode(aString As String)
' StateCode is not really stored in the Address
' object (that would be too conventional.) To
' expoit the power of OO, the Address object
' stores a reference to the entire State object,
' not just its StateCode.
' So, aString must be converted intoa State object
SetStateFromStateCode (aString)
End Property
Public Property Get ZipCode() As Long
ZipCode = pvtZipCode
End Property
Public Property Let ZipCode(aLong As Long)
pvtZipCode = aLong
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get ZipSupplement() As Integer
ZipSupplement = pvtZipSupplement
End Property
Public Property Let ZipSupplement(anInteger As Integer)
pvtZipSupplement = anInteger
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get ZipExtension() As Integer
ZipExtension = pvtZipExtension
End Property
Public Function ZipExtensionString() As String
If pvtZipExtension >= 0 Then
ZipExtensionString = pvtZipExtension
ZipExtensionString = ""
End If
End Function
Public Function ZipSupplementString() As String
If pvtZipSupplement >= 0 Then
ZipSupplementString = pvtZipSupplement
ZipSupplementString = ""
End If
End Function
Public Property Let ZipExtension(anInteger As Integer)
pvtZipExtension = anInteger
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get ForeignZipCode() As String
ForeignZipCode = pvtForeignZipCode
End Property
Public Property Let ForeignZipCode(aString As String)
pvtForeignZipCode = aString
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get Status() As String
Status = pvtStatus
End Property
Public Property Let Status(aString As String)
pvtStatus = aString
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get Usage() As String
Usage = pvtUsage
End Property
Public Property Let Usage(aString As String)
pvtUsage = aString
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Function ObjectHasChanged()
' Mark this object as "Changed" and trigger the
' "Changed" event
On Local Error Resume Next
ObjectChanged = True
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
If Not ObjectManager Is Nothing Then
ObjectManager. _
TriggerObjectEvent _
Event:="Changed", _
End If
#End If
End Function
Public Function ObjectEventCallBack(Optional Event As Variant, Optional Object As Variant) As Long
' Receive the Trigger notification and process
' accordingly
' Parameters:
' Event
' a string which identifies the Event
' Example: "Changed", "Created", "Deleted"
' Object
' the object originating the Event.
' responds to:
' TypeName(TriggerObject)
' TriggerObject.ObjectID
' (supported by VBOFEventManager)
End Function